Climate Smart Innovation Hub
CIFAR Alliance and Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

Who Are We?
The Climate Smart Product Innovation Hub (CSIH) is one of many CoLabs within the Climate Innovations for Adaptation and Resilience (CIFAR) Alliance. We are a group of entrepreneurs, climate and financial experts, financial service providers, and investors that are passionate about a climate resilient future driven by financial product innovation.
Climate Smart Financial Products are tech-enabled banking and financial service solutions that meet real planetary needs, (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement) and serve climate vulnerable communities and natural ecosystems.
Our Challenge
Often the first barrier to climate adaptation is access to sustainable finance. The climate adaptation-fintech nexus is a cutting-edge space yet there is limited guidance on how to develop such products in a competitive way.
Our Solution
The Hub will develop tools and knowledge resources for Climate Smart Financial Product innovation. We will accomplish this by nurturing the climate adaptation-fintech ecosystem and co-creating with diverse partners.
Our Mission
Accelerate development and implementation
of quality Climate Smart Financial Products for vulnerable users.
Our Vision
The Hub will contribute to the CIFAR Alliance's vision of providing 1 billion people access to climate smart financial solutions and catalyzing $25 billion per annum into the sector by 2030.