One Earth Crowdfunding by One Earth is a groundbreaking initiative democratizing climate philanthropy. Through the One Earth Project Marketplace, it connects individuals with impactful projects worldwide. Categorized under Energy Transition, Nature Conservation, and Regenerative Agriculture, the platform has vetted over 100 projects across 59 bioregions, channeling $2.4 million in grants since late 2020. This innovative approach empowers everyone to contribute to grassroots efforts, amplifying positive change in the global fight against climate change.
One Earth Crowdfunding
Other Climate Finance
Available at:
Rural and Urban
Climate Resilience Approach Mapping:
Risk Prevention, Risk Mitigation, Risk Coping, Risk Recovery, Opportunity Seizing
Climate Impact Mapping:
Biodiversity Loss, General Extreme Weather and Climate Impacts
Country / Region Input:
Sub-Saharan Africa, MENA, Southeast Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, Central and South America, Caribbean, Eastern Europe Southern Europe, Oceania, North America
Sector Mapping:
Agriculture, Water, Energy and Utilities, Coastal and Marine, Regeneration and Biodiversity, NGOs, Micro/Small/Medium Enterprises
Business Model Mapping:
Other Business Model